Whether we are rookies or veterans of RAAM, preparing months in advance of our next adventure is mandatory. No one knows it like Lee Mitchell, who has crewed or ridden 24 RAAMs before this year.
He started by getting the racers to find volunteers for the crew during the month of October, 2010. It must have been an easy step this year because within two weeks Lee was begging the racers to stop finding crew!
Lee explained that we should have 12 crew and three vehicles (an RV and two follow vans). The cost estimate is about $35,000. Considering the costs and space available for a safe 4-person team race across the country, 12 on the crew is the magic number.
Reason #1: Sleep shifts
Many of the accidents during RAAM are caused by sleep-deprived crew trying to drive 14 feet behind a racer.
The racers will be somewhat sleep-deprived, but it is not the time or place for crew to join in the sleep-deprivation fun. Thus, at any one time, the RV will be carrying a driver and a navigator, one food prep crew, two sleeping crew in the top bunk over the cab, two sleeping crew in the breakdown sofa in the middle, and two sleeping racers in the back bedroom. The sleeping shifts for the crew will be 8AM-4PM, 4PM-midnight, and midnight-8AM. Of course, there are no "off" shifts.
Reason #2: Rotating.
We have two red follow vans, called "California BikeVan" and "Nevada BikeVan" (see picture.) A pair of racers will be assigned to one of the two vans for the entire race. This is partly so the racers don't need to worry about whether something they want is in the other van. A racer never knows when she will need her personal shoe covers, arm warmers, raincoat, clean pair of shorts, or whatever. Furthermore, making space for all four racers' needs in both vans is not as easy as just putting two racers' gear in each van.
We will have two crew in each van. Each racer of a riding pair will be taken care of and followed by separate vans. They will change racers and vans at the same time about every 40-60 minutes for four hours. Meanwhile the other pair of racers will be showering, eating, and sleeping in the RV. We change the RV pair for the on-the-road pair every four hours. Each racer should get 2 to 2 1/2 hours sleep each time they rest in the RV. This will be about 7 hours total per 24 hours. With efficient exchanges, there will always be at least one racer riding her bicycle eastward.
Reason #3: The 8th awake crew is a backup, if needed.
We want a driver and a navigator in each vehicle and the food prep person in the RV (very busy job). The 8th crew can be in any vehicle at any time, but is expected to do regular crew duties, if needed.
Reason #4: The team wants somebody to focus on recording memories.
It is very difficult to juggle the camera, camcorder, and notebook while doing the high priority duties such as fixing bikes, prepping food, driving, or navigating.
We will need to be reminded of the recording crewperson's job.
That person's duties are to record as much as possible what is happening to the whole team. If needed, the recording crew member would jump into action and do whatever is needed to expedite the race. Then once back home, that person will spend hours arranging the tape/DVD for all to treasure.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Get to know Isabelle Drake!
Isabelle is the oldest racer on the team, but she is not a typical retired nurse at all.
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
Bicyclists had been fighting for the rights to share the roads with other vehicles ever since the era of horse-drawn carriages--bicycles made some horses nervous. It is a never-ending battle, but what do you imagine will be the attitude toward bicycles if personal middle-class motorized vehicles are reduced to look very much like quadcycles in order to be able to effectively transport somebody using natural energy such as solar energy?
Smaller vehicles on the road would hopefully translate to greater understanding of how it is for a cyclist out there. Many people change when they get behind the wheel exhibiting behavior they would not normally do when not in their vehicle. The more vulnerable drivers feel would possibly create more of a commraderie with cyclists instead of the adversarial one that is present with so many drivers. Of course there is idiotic behavior with both cyclists and drivers.
What is the most bizarre thing you ever saw while out on a ride?
On my solo Furnace Creek 508 in 2008 I was heading up towards the Sheephole climb when I saw 4 riders in front of me. I could not change my distance from them. I noticed something very strange about them. They all were wearing capes like Darth Vader from Star Wars. Also their bikes had no wheels ... just the frames. They effortlessly stayed in front of me. I realized I was hallucinating from sleep deprivation.
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
Many times I have stopped to help change a tire or give some random rider a tube of CO2 cartridge. What goes around comes around as so many people have helped me.
When riding in the "zone" do you feel like you are riding: a horse? dragon? broomstick? motorcycle? or just a bicycle? (any other answers are fine)
Just a bicycle.
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
I try to avoid running over any debris all the time. When I see small living creatures I avoid them if possible.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
I am accustomed to painted bike lanes. I think it makes it safer down here in Southern California. However I was hit by a car in Atascadero as I rode over the painted line in the bike lane.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
I get harassed quite a bit because I live in a very populated area. Very seldom do I saw anything as I feel I am so vulnerable. I do think of some really nasty things to say but try not to stay in that state of mind long as it is a distraction.
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
The tundra in Alaska. I backpacked through there when I was 17 and it is an amazing feeling to walk upon it.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
A seat that is like riding on air with no possibility of any saddle sores.
What things do you tend to think about while riding a century?
My mind goes so many places. I like to let the wheels do the thinking (John Lee Ellis phrase).
If Lee decides to grow a complete flower garden on top of his bikevan, what will you think of (or do about) that?
If Lee grows a garden on top of the bikevan I will request that he be tested for drugs ... or he may just be sleep deprived :-)
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A horse. I love horses and have been riding since I was a child. A horse cantering next to me breathing in and out would inspire and comfort me.
What kind of "party" will you like at RAAM's finish line?
One with a few shots of Don Julio Anejo.
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
Bicyclists had been fighting for the rights to share the roads with other vehicles ever since the era of horse-drawn carriages--bicycles made some horses nervous. It is a never-ending battle, but what do you imagine will be the attitude toward bicycles if personal middle-class motorized vehicles are reduced to look very much like quadcycles in order to be able to effectively transport somebody using natural energy such as solar energy?
Smaller vehicles on the road would hopefully translate to greater understanding of how it is for a cyclist out there. Many people change when they get behind the wheel exhibiting behavior they would not normally do when not in their vehicle. The more vulnerable drivers feel would possibly create more of a commraderie with cyclists instead of the adversarial one that is present with so many drivers. Of course there is idiotic behavior with both cyclists and drivers.
What is the most bizarre thing you ever saw while out on a ride?
On my solo Furnace Creek 508 in 2008 I was heading up towards the Sheephole climb when I saw 4 riders in front of me. I could not change my distance from them. I noticed something very strange about them. They all were wearing capes like Darth Vader from Star Wars. Also their bikes had no wheels ... just the frames. They effortlessly stayed in front of me. I realized I was hallucinating from sleep deprivation.
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
Many times I have stopped to help change a tire or give some random rider a tube of CO2 cartridge. What goes around comes around as so many people have helped me.
When riding in the "zone" do you feel like you are riding: a horse? dragon? broomstick? motorcycle? or just a bicycle? (any other answers are fine)
Just a bicycle.
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
I try to avoid running over any debris all the time. When I see small living creatures I avoid them if possible.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
I am accustomed to painted bike lanes. I think it makes it safer down here in Southern California. However I was hit by a car in Atascadero as I rode over the painted line in the bike lane.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
I get harassed quite a bit because I live in a very populated area. Very seldom do I saw anything as I feel I am so vulnerable. I do think of some really nasty things to say but try not to stay in that state of mind long as it is a distraction.
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
The tundra in Alaska. I backpacked through there when I was 17 and it is an amazing feeling to walk upon it.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
A seat that is like riding on air with no possibility of any saddle sores.
What things do you tend to think about while riding a century?
My mind goes so many places. I like to let the wheels do the thinking (John Lee Ellis phrase).
If Lee decides to grow a complete flower garden on top of his bikevan, what will you think of (or do about) that?
If Lee grows a garden on top of the bikevan I will request that he be tested for drugs ... or he may just be sleep deprived :-)
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A horse. I love horses and have been riding since I was a child. A horse cantering next to me breathing in and out would inspire and comfort me.
What kind of "party" will you like at RAAM's finish line?
One with a few shots of Don Julio Anejo.
Get to know Jeanine Spence!
Jeanine Spence works the body, on and off the bicycle.
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
I have helped "bonking" cyclists - gave them water and energy gels, helped a novice learn to change a tire, and stopped to call for a stranded motorist.
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
When riding across the country on a PAC tour, I stopped for an eight inch diameter turtle. I nervously picked it up and carried it to the side of the road. Also, was able to rescue a domestic rabbit and find a home for it on a local ride.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
Love bike lanes... wish there were more.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
I wonder how big their 'behinds' are...
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
My favorite place to ride is on pavement, anywhere the sun is shining, with friends.
What is the shortest distance you ever rode before feeling as tired as you expect to feel at end of RAAM? Why?
The first time I rode the Terrible Two..... It was my second double century and I was totally unprepared for how hot, cold, steep and long the ride turned out to be.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
Airbags that inflate just before you hit the pavement!
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A Labrador Retriever - They are always happy, energetic and enthusiastic.
What kind of "party" will you like at RAAM's finish line?
Anything that includes beer and RAAM finishers!
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
I have helped "bonking" cyclists - gave them water and energy gels, helped a novice learn to change a tire, and stopped to call for a stranded motorist.
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
When riding across the country on a PAC tour, I stopped for an eight inch diameter turtle. I nervously picked it up and carried it to the side of the road. Also, was able to rescue a domestic rabbit and find a home for it on a local ride.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
Love bike lanes... wish there were more.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
I wonder how big their 'behinds' are...
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
My favorite place to ride is on pavement, anywhere the sun is shining, with friends.
What is the shortest distance you ever rode before feeling as tired as you expect to feel at end of RAAM? Why?
The first time I rode the Terrible Two..... It was my second double century and I was totally unprepared for how hot, cold, steep and long the ride turned out to be.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
Airbags that inflate just before you hit the pavement!
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A Labrador Retriever - They are always happy, energetic and enthusiastic.
What kind of "party" will you like at RAAM's finish line?
Anything that includes beer and RAAM finishers!
Get to know Lori Cherry!
Lori Cherry has an impressive ultracycling career, but is looking for more.
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
What is the most bizarre thing you ever saw while out on a ride?
Last year I saw a 6 yr old boy in the dark at 5am, barefoot, in pajamas holding a pillow and a backpack standing on a corner near a freeway overpass in an industrial area on my morning ride to the park trail. As I passed him my morning brain slowly processed that something was wrong with this picture. So I flipped a U and went to have a chat with him. He had run away from home. He was mad at his parents for punishing him the night before and was standing on the corner hoping some nicer parents would pick him up. I convinced him that it was a better idea to go home before his parents got even madder. We walked together about a mile to his home.
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
I hope so. I tend to forget any good deeds I have done but remember every good deed I have been the recipient of.
When riding in the "zone" do you feel like you are riding: a horse? dragon? broomstick? motorcycle? or just a bicycle? (any other answers are fine)
Just a bike. I love it.
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
I don’t see snails.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
I am a fan of bike lanes especially in cities.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
I have nothing to say to them.
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
I like pavement of all sorts everywhere for bike riding.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
I dream of instant bridges to span the gaps that drop down just to climb up the other side again in the mountains.
What things do you tend to think about while riding a century?
Mostly, I enjoy the scenery. Thoughts are random.
If Lee decides to grow a complete flower garden on top of his bikevan, what will you think of (or do about) that?
I like vegetable gardens better than flowers gardens.
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A mule. They do the work but have no qualms expressing themselves.
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
What is the most bizarre thing you ever saw while out on a ride?
Last year I saw a 6 yr old boy in the dark at 5am, barefoot, in pajamas holding a pillow and a backpack standing on a corner near a freeway overpass in an industrial area on my morning ride to the park trail. As I passed him my morning brain slowly processed that something was wrong with this picture. So I flipped a U and went to have a chat with him. He had run away from home. He was mad at his parents for punishing him the night before and was standing on the corner hoping some nicer parents would pick him up. I convinced him that it was a better idea to go home before his parents got even madder. We walked together about a mile to his home.
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
I hope so. I tend to forget any good deeds I have done but remember every good deed I have been the recipient of.
When riding in the "zone" do you feel like you are riding: a horse? dragon? broomstick? motorcycle? or just a bicycle? (any other answers are fine)
Just a bike. I love it.
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
I don’t see snails.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
I am a fan of bike lanes especially in cities.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
I have nothing to say to them.
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
I like pavement of all sorts everywhere for bike riding.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
I dream of instant bridges to span the gaps that drop down just to climb up the other side again in the mountains.
What things do you tend to think about while riding a century?
Mostly, I enjoy the scenery. Thoughts are random.
If Lee decides to grow a complete flower garden on top of his bikevan, what will you think of (or do about) that?
I like vegetable gardens better than flowers gardens.
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A mule. They do the work but have no qualms expressing themselves.
Get to know Catharina "Cat" Berge!
Catharina "Cat" Berge is the youngest racer on our team. (Sidenote: If anybody is wondering, Cat is a familiar face on our team even through she resides in Belgium because she used to live in California until 2007.)
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
What is the most bizarre thing you ever saw while out on a ride?
A man holding up to 6 foot rattle snakes that he had just killed, so they were still moving... (March 27, 2005)
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
I found a wallet, that was returned to a happy owner. I have helped a little boy with a stuck chain. I have seen a rainbow, that I consider represents the covenant of God and stopped to pray.
When riding in the "zone" do you feel like you are riding: a horse? dragon? broomstick? motorcycle? or just a bicycle? (any other answers are fine)
Just flying… maybe a broom stick then?
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
I steer around it, because I do not like goo on my tires. Similarly I try to avoid hitting squirrels, little dogs and similar, makes a lot of goo in my wheels… and I hurt for every little animal that is hurt or dying or dead. Every time I see a road kill, I reflect on the life of the animal that was so senselessly lost.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
I think they are good. I believe that cities should be built to allow bikers to get everywhere, and make it so hard to take the car that people are forced to consider public transport or biking or walking.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
There is no better way to de-weapon an annoyed person by smiling and waving back, like I don’t understand what he wants to tell me.
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
On top of the clouds. I always look at them when flying above them and think it would be so neat to walk on the clouds.
What is the shortest distance you ever rode before feeling as tired as you expect to feel at end of RAAM? Why?
Pre-logue to Co-motion tandem stage race in Oregon, 2 miles hill climb. Paul McKenzie and I raced 2 miles uphill, and I definitely reflected on why I had decided to become an ultra-racer… cause that was just so extremely painful that I have no longing to do that again.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
A saddle that is so perfectly made for my butt that there is no shafing and no saddle sores. Handlebars that are so hard that they do not break, but so soft that you get no hand numbness.
What things do you tend to think about while riding a century?
Everything about life, from childhood memories to trying to develop a new proportional hazard model describing Salmonella growth in relation to chlorine concentration of growth broth.
If Lee decides to grow a complete flower garden on top of his bike van, what will you think of (or do about) that?
I would put all the turtles that I find along the road, and put them up there!
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A cuddly cat, there is no better rest than to sit with a cat in my lap. But I will also go for a toy dog.
What kind of "party" will you like at RAAM's finish line?
Ice cream party!
The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
What is the most bizarre thing you ever saw while out on a ride?
A man holding up to 6 foot rattle snakes that he had just killed, so they were still moving... (March 27, 2005)
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
I found a wallet, that was returned to a happy owner. I have helped a little boy with a stuck chain. I have seen a rainbow, that I consider represents the covenant of God and stopped to pray.
When riding in the "zone" do you feel like you are riding: a horse? dragon? broomstick? motorcycle? or just a bicycle? (any other answers are fine)
Just flying… maybe a broom stick then?
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
I steer around it, because I do not like goo on my tires. Similarly I try to avoid hitting squirrels, little dogs and similar, makes a lot of goo in my wheels… and I hurt for every little animal that is hurt or dying or dead. Every time I see a road kill, I reflect on the life of the animal that was so senselessly lost.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
I think they are good. I believe that cities should be built to allow bikers to get everywhere, and make it so hard to take the car that people are forced to consider public transport or biking or walking.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
There is no better way to de-weapon an annoyed person by smiling and waving back, like I don’t understand what he wants to tell me.
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
On top of the clouds. I always look at them when flying above them and think it would be so neat to walk on the clouds.
What is the shortest distance you ever rode before feeling as tired as you expect to feel at end of RAAM? Why?
Pre-logue to Co-motion tandem stage race in Oregon, 2 miles hill climb. Paul McKenzie and I raced 2 miles uphill, and I definitely reflected on why I had decided to become an ultra-racer… cause that was just so extremely painful that I have no longing to do that again.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
A saddle that is so perfectly made for my butt that there is no shafing and no saddle sores. Handlebars that are so hard that they do not break, but so soft that you get no hand numbness.
What things do you tend to think about while riding a century?
Everything about life, from childhood memories to trying to develop a new proportional hazard model describing Salmonella growth in relation to chlorine concentration of growth broth.
If Lee decides to grow a complete flower garden on top of his bike van, what will you think of (or do about) that?
I would put all the turtles that I find along the road, and put them up there!
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A cuddly cat, there is no better rest than to sit with a cat in my lap. But I will also go for a toy dog.
What kind of "party" will you like at RAAM's finish line?
Ice cream party!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Proud Ambassadors of Alltech
The Raw Milk Cats will be sponsored by Alltech!! I have today recieved confirmation that Alltech wants to be part of our adventure and mission!
Our bodies will be protected by the best anti-oxidant supplement on the market, namely Sel-Plex, a yeast-derived organic selenium. Another supplement, Bio-Mos, is a mannan-oligosaccharide that binds to bad bacteria in the gut and improves the intestinal function!
I have used these supplements for over 5 years now, and I know that these are key to protect me from disease and the negative impacts of high intensity exercise. Jeanine has also used these supplements for close to 2 years now, and she can feel the difference that Sel-Plex has made for her racing and recovery.
Humans can also benefit from the Alltech supplements through the milk, meat and eggs. Animals supplemented with Sel-Plex will produce milk, egg and meat with higher levels of organic selenium. I give my hens, Höna, Sotis, Laura and Stina, Sel-Plex and Bio-Mos and not only are they healthier, they also produce really nice eggs of higher nutritional value. I am sure that my rooster Oskar benefit from the supplementation too, and that will be seen this spring.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Trying to Get Out of Hibernation
So.. here I sit by the computer... sdkhgs.. whoops.. that was Leo.. the white blob on my arm. I am trying to get out of my winter hibernation, because evidently I have to train because I am going to need to be fit in June.
Well, I am coaching Jeanine and Isabelle.. so I will make sure they are superfit.. to compensate for me. I hate indoor trainers. Someone said once..'If you want to slow down time, just go sit on your indoor trainer'.. so right, after 10 minutes I feel exhausted and then I force myself to go another 50 minutes.
You team mates in California.. you are so lucky.. I long back to the beautiful green winters in California with oranges, green pastures, the sun in the hills. I have done some important training components though. One of my mantras is 'Rest as hard as you train'. Well to compensate for my miserable training, I compensate by the resting component. I sure have no problem sleeping until the sun goes up. I philosophy that this is following the natural rythms! So, from this first posting..I guess I can only improve!
Cheers all supporters of the 4 raw milk cats.. we love you all!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
First Brevet of the Year
Saturday I will do my first organized ride in 2011. I will do the 200 k brevet with PCH Randonneurs. Serious training started January 1st with a personal century ride.
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