Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trying to Get Out of Hibernation

So.. here I sit by the computer... sdkhgs.. whoops.. that was Leo.. the white blob on my arm. I am trying to get out of my winter hibernation, because evidently I have to train because I am going to need to be fit in June.

Well, I am coaching Jeanine and Isabelle.. so I will make sure they are superfit.. to compensate for me. I hate indoor trainers. Someone said once..'If you want to slow down time, just go sit on your indoor trainer'.. so right, after 10 minutes I feel exhausted and then I force myself to go another 50 minutes.

You team mates in California.. you are so lucky.. I long back to the beautiful green winters in California with oranges, green pastures, the sun in the hills. I have done some important training components though. One of my mantras is 'Rest as hard as you train'. Well to compensate for my miserable training, I compensate by the resting component. I sure have no problem sleeping until the sun goes up. I philosophy that this is following the natural rythms! So, from this first posting..I guess I can only improve!

Cheers all supporters of the 4 raw milk cats.. we love you all!


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