The racers on the team were given 15 interview questions ranging from serious to silly. They are free to choice which ones they wanted to answer:
What is the most bizarre thing you ever saw while out on a ride?
A man holding up to 6 foot rattle snakes that he had just killed, so they were still moving... (March 27, 2005)
Have you stopped and done any good deeds as a cyclist?
I found a wallet, that was returned to a happy owner. I have helped a little boy with a stuck chain. I have seen a rainbow, that I consider represents the covenant of God and stopped to pray.
When riding in the "zone" do you feel like you are riding: a horse? dragon? broomstick? motorcycle? or just a bicycle? (any other answers are fine)
Just flying… maybe a broom stick then?
If there is a 4-inch long plain brown snail crawling in your bicycle path, do you...steer around it? worry about slipping on the goo? stop to look at it and maybe take pictures? put it in jersey pocket as a pet? or move it to a safer place? (any other answers are fine)
I steer around it, because I do not like goo on my tires. Similarly I try to avoid hitting squirrels, little dogs and similar, makes a lot of goo in my wheels… and I hurt for every little animal that is hurt or dying or dead. Every time I see a road kill, I reflect on the life of the animal that was so senselessly lost.
What is your opinion of painted bike lanes in some cities?
I think they are good. I believe that cities should be built to allow bikers to get everywhere, and make it so hard to take the car that people are forced to consider public transport or biking or walking.
What do you usually tell (or want to tell) the bad-tempered drivers yelling at you to ride on the sidewalk?
There is no better way to de-weapon an annoyed person by smiling and waving back, like I don’t understand what he wants to tell me.
If you were able to ride on any type of surface, anywhere on the earth, where would you love to ride? Why?
On top of the clouds. I always look at them when flying above them and think it would be so neat to walk on the clouds.
What is the shortest distance you ever rode before feeling as tired as you expect to feel at end of RAAM? Why?
Pre-logue to Co-motion tandem stage race in Oregon, 2 miles hill climb. Paul McKenzie and I raced 2 miles uphill, and I definitely reflected on why I had decided to become an ultra-racer… cause that was just so extremely painful that I have no longing to do that again.
Is there any kind of cycling part, material, or equipment that is not on the market that you dream of being available?
A saddle that is so perfectly made for my butt that there is no shafing and no saddle sores. Handlebars that are so hard that they do not break, but so soft that you get no hand numbness.
What things do you tend to think about while riding a century?
Everything about life, from childhood memories to trying to develop a new proportional hazard model describing Salmonella growth in relation to chlorine concentration of growth broth.
If Lee decides to grow a complete flower garden on top of his bike van, what will you think of (or do about) that?
I would put all the turtles that I find along the road, and put them up there!
If any animals will surely be easy to transport, care, and even help with the crewing, what kind of animal will you like as a member of the crew team? Why?
A cuddly cat, there is no better rest than to sit with a cat in my lap. But I will also go for a toy dog.
What kind of "party" will you like at RAAM's finish line?
Ice cream party!
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