Sunday, May 15, 2011

RAAM Food Plan

Our team’s three main food goals are:

1) Having no leftovers at finish line.

2) Try to limit food prep to 1-2 people (namely Alan and Anne), since hygiene may not be optimal. This would limit any potential exposure to pathogens.

3) Avoid being fueled on simple sugar and caffeine mainly because this can affect our moods.


Alan Stokes collated the team’s comments and drafted a shopping list for a day before start of RAAM (apart from mini marts at gas stations, we likely won't get chances to shop during RAAM):

The basics are:

1) Milk, milk, milk!

2) A little bit of chocolate cake. (Not much!)

3) Meat and cheese or peanut butter sandwiches.

4) Cereals, oatmeal.

5) Fresh fruits and produces.

6) Instant coffee.

Furthermore, while everybody know they can survive on turkey and oatmeal, Alan plans to spice up the meals with possibly:

- black bean / rice / chicken - burritos
- grocery store roasted chicken - a number of different type of meals can be made from them
- microwaveable bacon - everything is better with bacon.
- pasta with marinara –

Unnecessary to say, a few expressed concern that they would gain weight during the race.

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