Steve Born from Hammer Nutrition gave us his pearls of wisdom plus fueling suggestions:
1) Do not, Do Not, DO NOT waste one second of time. This is very important in the solo race but it is CRUCIAL in the team race. You simply do not have the luxury of wasting one single second. Remember, you are ALWAYS in "race mode" until the finish line.
2) This will be true for riders and crew, and Lee knows this better than anyone and I'm sure will drive this point home: Respect each other's space and stay out of each other's face! You will be all be going at high intensities - physically, emotionally, and mentally - for a week. The mood always has to be positive and each person - rider and crew - has to respect everyone else's privacy and space in order for positive results to occur.
3) Be supportive of each other, never forgetting that you are a team. And if a mistake has been made there is no reason to dwell on it because no benefits will be derived in doing so. In RAAM, lots of crazy things can happen; a former winner once told me that RAAM is creative problem solving several times a day for several days. I'm inclined to agree with that. And if/when a problem occurs or a mistake has been made you simply have to fix/resolve it and move forward in a positive fashion. No one, rider or crew member, has the time or energy to play the "blame game."
4) Lee didn't invent the saying (or maybe he did), but he did perfect it and I'm sure will pass this on to each and every member of your crew: "The crew can't win the race for the rider (or team) but they can lose it." Each and every crew member needs to leave their personal needs and issues at the starting line because once the race starts they are basically subservient to you riders until you finish. Crewing is the most thankless job there is (I know, having crewed on 8 RAAMs) but there is a great deal of satisfaction knowing that you gave your all to help a rider (or group of riders) realize their dream.
5) Supplementation and Fueling suggestions -- If I were doing anywhere from a 45-90 minute pull I would take 1 serving of Hammer Gel about 5-10 minutes prior to the start + some Endurolytes (the amount dependent on the weather). I would then use a bottle or two of HEED on the bike as doing so will cover all your fluid, calorie, and electrolyte needs in one container (no messing around with pill bottles or flasks). When you get off the bike I would suggest using a light mixture of Perpetuem or Sustained Energy, perhaps 1/2 - 1 scoop to provide some calories and protein. I would also take 1-2 Anti-Fatigue Caps at that time. Then repeat.
Once the first two riders are completely done with their shifts and are now taking a long break, that's when you hit the Recoverite... a 2-4-scoop bottle nursed over the course of an hour. At that time I would also take 1-2 Race Caps Supreme, 1-2 Mito Caps, 2 Endurance Amino, 1 Super Antioxidant, and 1 AO Booster. That would be a killer recovery fuel/supplement plan that would definitely accelerate recovery and help prep you for your next rotation of riding.
Steve Born
Fueling Expert
Event Sponsorship Coordinator
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